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How is Digital Signage Helping the Customers to Cope up with Long Queues?

Enterprise Technology Review | Friday, January 03, 2020

Digital signage is booming with successful installations appearing in almost every vertical, starting from entertainment and hospitality to education, healthcare, finance and transportation.

Fremont, CA  Most of the individuals are adverse about standing in a queue, regardless of whether one is sticking around to get into the DMV or on a roller coaster in an amusement park. Waiting without doing anything for any amount of time is mind-numbingly dull. Digital signage can lessen the pain of standing in long queues in numerous ways; for instance, it can reduce the size of the line in general or by finding ways to keep the audiences occupied during their wait. Digital signage is emerging to be highly accessible for various reasons, such as its quick and easy updates which save on costs.

Keeping People Occupied

In places such as amusement parks, long lines are unavoidable; some parks have discovered ways to reduce the lines, like Walt Disney World’s three-a-day fast pass system, in the end, some rides will be more popular than the others, and they are going to attract more crowds. Digital signage helps to reduce the boredom of standing in the lines by deploying displays around the waiting areas which offer entertaining content on news, sports or just fun facts about the available rides. As long as the demonstrations have content to cycle through, they can provide guests with something to listen to during their wait.These displays can also deliver interactive content like encouraging users to download an app to play a game or by providing augmented reality experiences and engaging the people.

Providing Accurate Information

Farther to entertainment, digital signage allows customers to plan their trips to the queue. The displays that are provided can offer clear information on the wait times throughout a store, government building, or an amusement park.Amusement parks can also utilize these displays outside the rides or at a central location to intimate the customers about their wait time in the line for a particular ride. The information can also be synced with a mobile app, to enable the users to acquire the same information from multiple sources.

Allowing Kiosk to handle it

One of the best for digital signage to reduce the queue is by performing a task that the customers would generally have to stand in. For instance, a kiosk at a DMV can allow the users to renew their registration or sign up for a driving test or carry other tasks. While the kiosk is not in use, the looped digital signage content can play and inform the users on how to use the machine. The DMV can also deploy digital signage throughout the location, updating the users about the functions and locations of kiosks in the building.  In all its forms, digital signage is deemed to become even more prevalent globally in the coming years.

See Also :- AI-Powered Digital Signage

