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Field Management Services (Fsm)


Field Management Services (Fsm)

Merging IoT and Blockchain for a Smarter Future

Enterprise Technology Review | Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Technology keeps evolving for the better: Blockchain and IoT together can revolutionize sectors like none.

FREMONT, CA: Technology is evolving at a dramatic pace to cater to the needs of the modern world. Blockchain's application is extensive, and outcomes are precise, which means it is propitious. It creates digital assets for copyrighted elements and decentralizes platforms for predictions associated with various industries. Blockchain decentralizes IoT and user record management as well, while, IoT is regarded as a way to transform every little aspect of a workflow. This technology is sophisticated and seems promising and straightforward. The impact of IoT technology holds a lot of hope and potential, and together with blockchain as a boost, it has a lot more to offer.

IoT can instill intelligence into existing or modern infrastructure that can interact, report, and process-specific operations without any human intervention. Blockchain will be a valuable addition to power this intelligence. The increase of IoT is still rolling along, and many industries have understood that mastering this network of smart ‘things’ contributes to success to a great extent. IoT and blockchain discover themselves in similar situations when it comes to adoption as their integration may be able to assist each other and solve any of the significant concerns that have dogged them individually. For Instance, in the logistics sector, IoT is supported by blockchain to certify the management of container temperature and report the condition of perishable goods in real-time.

IoT-enabled blockchain technology is where an overlay of services is designed in a specific way of the framework that provides secure and smart communication use cases among the devices in a network. Every device generates its public key to send and receive information with another device, and any participating device can easily retrieve information related to a given key. The requirement to understand the infrastructure besides the blockchain technology is essential.
