Enterprise Technology Review | Friday, August 16, 2019
Nanotechnology contributes to more energy-efficient production and usage, as the adoption proves to be a sustainable solution for both the manufacturers and the environment.
FREMONT, CA: Revolutionizing the global market, nanotechnology enables many industry sectors such as information technology, homeland security, medicine, transportation, energy, food safety, environmental science, and others to explore new landscapes. Nanotechnology has already increased the existing products and their performance. Today, the nanotechnology promises a significant impact on the sustainability and better acceleration of the business. It is responsible for featuring higher strength compositions and maintains scalable production.
• Production Benefits
Nano-materials can effectively be stronger, lighter, more durable, and reactive and better electrical conductors than any other material. Contributions in various sectors like bioengineering, engineered plastics, structure, particles and others, nano-solutions and products are flooding the market. Today, articles like “smart fabrics” are equipped with flexible nanoscale sensors and electronics for monitoring health. More advantages like nanoscale additives in polymer composite materials are majorly used in baseball bats, tennis rackets, bicycles, automobile parts, and power tool housings to make them more lightweight, stiff, durable, and resilient. Likewise, the nano-bioengineering of enzymes projects less expensive nano-materials and impressive strength-to-weight ratio. In catalysis, the nano-particles are used to boost chemical reaction. The two major applications of the nano-particle are petroleum refining and automotive catalytic converters.
• IT Applications and Electronics
Nanotechnology dramatically contributes to computing and electronics, making it faster, smaller, and more portable to manage and store a more significant amount of information. Some of the applications include transistors enabling all the modern computing to be smaller, faster, and better. The Magnetic Random Access Memory (MRAM) powered by nanometer-scale magnetic tunnel junctions can effectively save data while a system shutdown or resumes the processes. In the ultra-high definition displays and televisions, nanotech’s quantum dots are used to produce more vibrant colors while being more energy-efficient. The high-tech wearable, medical applications, aerospace applications, and IoTs are integrated with the advantages of being flexible, bendable, rollable, and stretchable of nanotechnology and open the doors to countless smart products.
• Medical Applications
Broadening the list of possibilities, nanotechnology already provides advanced medical tools, knowledge, and therapies for medical professionals. Nano-medicines frame natural scale of biological phenomena to offer precise solutions for disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatments. Commercial applications with the help of gold nano-particles prove to hold the potential for investigating and study for the cures for cancer and other diseases. Nanotechnology is used for the regenerative medicines in several application areas, including bone and neural tissue engineering. Nano-medicine researchers can significantly improve vaccines, including vaccine delivery without the use of needles. It also gives opportunities to the researchers for studying the use of graphene nano-ribbons to help repair spinal cord injuries.
• Energy Applications
Finding alternatives for the traditional processes, nanotechnology significantly provides an enhancement in the energy generation sectors. It helps the scientists to look for different ways to develop clean, affordable, and renewable energy sources and reduce energy consumptions and toxicity burdens on the environment. The technology improves fuel production from raw petroleum materials, reduces fuel consumption in vehicles and power plants through high-efficiency combustion and decreased friction. Contributing to oil and gas extraction, the use of nanotechnology enables gas lift valves in offshore operations. Researchers of the energy harvesting sector are developing advanced solar electric panels, to fit onto computer cases and other portable devices and to generate usable energy from light, friction, body heat to power the electronic device.
Nanotechnology offers various contributions to future products and creating new opportunities for business to grow in this highly competitive market. The emerging technology has already transformed multiple sectors in the world and yet to showcase massive advancements for the betterment of humanity.
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