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Top 3 Security Camera Innovations of Today

Enterprise Technology Review | Tuesday, June 23, 2020

A high-tech boom is blowing the security industry, and consumers are leaping abode the train of innovative technologies.

FREMONT, CA: Not too long ago, security cameras were just simple stand-alone cameras, which could capture the video of the space in front of them, for a long time, this technology remained unchanged despite the colossal technological advances happening in every other industry. Eventually, it started to change, and technology hit the security industry as well. This phenomenon helps explain why the home security systems are selling in billions every year, and the connected home security systems are on track as well, with a prediction to hit more than $15 billion by the next four years. It is not on the top to say that the security industry is experiencing a high-tech renaissance with these developments, coupled with the rise of cybersecurity solutions. In that context, several innovations are revolutionizing security cameras and helping drive the whole security industry.

1.360-Degree Fields of View

Cameras are now compared based on how far cameras can capture in different directions. Most of the cameras these days tout 130- degree views, which enable a comprehensive coverage of a room when placed in a corner. But considering the 360-degree field of view is recommended to take things up a notch.

2.Facial Recognition

Facial recognition is the new addition to the security camera tech, and it enables the camera to identify people of the camera owner’s household and intimate with personalized updates on their arrival at home. This feature is attaining a lot of popularity among the parents of latchkey kids, who need to know that their kids arrived home safely. The camera also notifies the owner if a familiar face attempts to enter the home.

3.Night Vision

The cameras, only being able to survey in daylight was a significant concern for the users, but the introduction of night vision capabilities has mitigated this problem. Most of these cameras are designed in a way to survive severe weather conditions, with their moisture-resistant and durable exteriors.

From the use of facial recognition capabilities to night vision functionality, today, the security cameras are mobilizing a high-tech renaissance all over the security industry.
