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How Real Estate Players can Leverage Drones

Enterprise Technology Review | Monday, December 02, 2019

The real estate companies are today drone-equipped and are offering potential customers a comprehensive view of the properties.

FREMONT, CA: Drone technology has some exciting applications in the real estate sector. The use of drones to provide customers with property views is one such application. The real estate sector offers a range of properties, including apartments, residential homes, resorts, and commercial buildings. This extensive collection of properties can benefit significantly from the viewing features that advanced drone technology offers. For example, drones fitted with cameras can be used to capture images, videos, and 360-degree views of properties. The obtained images can be used for purposes of marketing, as well as operational purposes.

Real estate firms, commercial real estate agents, and companies involved in land acquisition are investing their interest in drone technology. Larger properties can benefit immensely from drones because of their ability to capture the properties in their entirety. Even for common real estate applications, drones can be used to present overhead site maps during the construction phase. Other complex imaging use cases can also be accomplished smoothly through drones. For example, the entire site of a large property cannot be covered by one camera frame. However, drones can produce combined snapshots of the property to generate one large, continuous image.

Drones can also create HD videos and help convey ideas about the property to potential buyers. Well-Captured aerial footage can serve as a virtual tour for potential buyers. Virtual tours facilitate a realistic portrayal of a property as the drone flies across rooms and other segments in a property. Moreover, videos can be an excellent form of advertisement and can become an interactive form of presentation. Further, drone videos can also depict entire communities and surroundings near a property. A client can view lawns, water bodies, community spaces, and other amenities.

Thus, proptech managers are favoring drone technology adoption, which can boost their business and help them attract buyers faster. 

Check This Out: Top Drone Technology Solution Companies
